Cool Cats Snapshot and Launch

Dreamy Ducklings DAO
2 min readAug 27, 2021

Hey Cool Cats and Dreamy Ducklings! We’re live!!!

For those of you just joining: we are Dreamy Ducklings, and we have a dream for the Cool Cats: To bootstrap you with the tools and funding to do anything and everything you ever wanted! This includes using raised funds to put on events for the Cool Cats community, purchasing Cool Cats for tokenization (DELITH or BE DELITHED), voting on governance, eligibility for airdrops, prolonged utility over all NFTs released, and even revenue sharing for those dedicated to mission of both Dreamy Ducklings and Cool Cats!

Want one?

Launch & Snapshot

As we strive to serve the Cool Cats community, it only makes sense that they would be eligible for this minting. Therefore, a snapshot of all Cool Cats holders was taken around 12:05 AM EST on August 26th.

Cool Cats included in this snapshot should head to the Mint Now section of our website to see if they are eligible to claim their Dreamy Ducklings! Each address in the snapshot, regardless of number of Cool Cats owned, is eligible to mint 20 Ducklings. We also launched without much of an announcement or fanfare, to ensure that our launch is safe and we don’t cause a huge gas fee spike! Less hype can make it a longer time before selling all NFTs, but we believe it will attract a stronger community!

Utility overview

Dreamy Ducklings have great utility, including revenue sharing, governance voting, eligibility for future team products and competitions, airdrops, eligibility for the Community Creation Program, eventual staking for tokenized Cool Cats, and most importantly, an amazing community :). For a more in depth read, be sure to check out our previous article diving into these components separately.

Be sure to stay up to date with the Dreamy Ducklings team on Twitter and in the Discord! Check out our website for more updates and utility as we fulfill our roadmap and put on events.



Dreamy Ducklings DAO

Dreamy Ducklings are a generative NFT collection that double as DAO tokens, built to tokenize Cool Cats and provide fun for the community!